St Thomas More Catholic Primary School
The Headteacher, staff and governors are highly ambitious for St Thomas More School and we aim to make it an exciting place to be! We firmly believe that it is not just about what is taught, but how it is taught that makes a difference to the lives of our pupils.
We constantly strive for excellence in learning and recognise the importance of providing a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum. We plan learning opportunities based on the premise that every individual is capable of achieving and should be challenged to do his/her very best. We recognise the importance of nurturing positive relationships and encourage all of our pupils to develop a sense of respect for self, for others and for all life. We teach and foster good learning habits. We work to build an environment where self-esteem can flourish and pupils can learn self-reliance, together with the skills to promote independent learning. Ultimately, we aim to help our pupils become active, ethical and educated citizens who are fully prepared to assume their role in 21st Century society.
St Thomas More is a school we are all proud of. The governors, staff and I are committed to making STM a happy and friendly learning environment where all members of the community can flourish and succeed.
Stephanie Gavin, Headteacher